Education Is the Foundation of Our Success
As the Jerome area has grown, so have the opportunities for our children. The Jerome School District is dedicated to giving the next generation the tools it needs, from full-day kindergarten to dual-credit programs through the College of Southern Idaho and four-year universities. Here’s how the Jerome School District and the College of Southern Idaho-Jerome Center can help your child succeed.
Student leadership
The Jerome School District aims to address the education of the whole child: physical, mental, and social well-being. Programs include the Fish! Philosophy and Leader in Me for elementary students and Latinos in Action for secondary students. The Latinos in Action program is an asset-based approach to bridging the graduation and opportunity gap for Latino students; it boasts a 98 percent national graduation rate.
Full-day kindergarten
Jerome’s full-day program began in 2020-2021. Now, 85 percent of families in the district choose this option.
Dual-language immersion
District students have the opportunity to learn math, science, or social studies instruction in another language to boost their literacy skills and acquire another language at the same time.
Access to technology
Each K-12 student in the district receives a personal technology device to help close the digital divide and prepare students for a tech-based world.
Dual-credit programs
The Jerome School District has an excellent working relationship with the College of Southern Idaho and the state’s four-year universities. The district’s students have access to state-provided Advanced Opportunity dollars: Since the introduction of the program, Jerome students have taken over 5,000 dual-credit courses with a tuition value of over $700,000. Through these programs, students can earn certificates or even attain their AA degrees while still in high school.
Career-technical programs
Jerome School District students can enroll in career-technical programs, including certified nursing assistant, animal science, small engines, welding, agricultural mechanics, food science, ornamental horticulture, culinary arts, hospitality services, technology, and business.
Alternative high school
Falls City Academy (FCA) began in 2019-2020 and became fully accredited in 2020-2021. FCA focuses on mastery education and providing additional opportunities for secondary students.
Athletics and activities
In addition to a wide range of athletics, Jerome School District offers award-winning activities such as speech, drama, debate, and music. The Speech Team has won 19 state titles in the past 22 years, and the Jerome High School Student Council has been selected as outstanding council in the state for the past six years.
United Way Community Schools/Promise Partnership
The district has partnered with United Way of South Central Idaho on its community schools/Promise Partnership program. A community school is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources. Its integrated focus on academics, health and social services, youth and community development and community engagement leads to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities.
Jerome School District Foundation
The Jerome School District Foundation provides additional funding for schools, with a focus on meeting the needs in the classrooms that most impact students.
College of Southern Idaho-Jerome Center
Located in the heart of Downtown Jerome, this branch of the College of Southern Idaho offers a wide lifelong learning opportunities. Students can work toward a college degree, participate in GED preparation coursework, improve English-language skills, or take community education classes. The staff is fluent in both English and Spanish.
Thanks to the joint effort of private and public partnerships, Jerome is very supportive of economic growth. The components of Jerome 20/20’s economic-development efforts are business retention, expansion, and attraction.